How to find Sexual Health Advice when you can’t talk to your GP.

Seeking sexual health advice is essential for anyone to maintain their well-being, but sometimes it can be challenging to discuss these intimate matters with a general practitioner (GP) or you might not be sure how. Fortunately, there are numerous online resources and services available that provide valuable information and support. Here, we will explore various avenues to access sexual health advice, including sexual health clinics, pharmacies, young people's services, dedicated websites, and workplace resources. By utilising these platforms, you can find the guidance you need to address your concerns with confidence and privacy.

Sexual Health Clinics

Specialised care from sexual health clinics, also known as family planning, genitourinary medicine (GUM), or sexual and reproductive health clinics, are dedicated centres that offer a wide range of sexual health services and advice. These clinics are staffed by healthcare professionals who specialise in sexual health, so they really know their stuff when it comes to giving the best advice. They provide contraception services, STI testing and treatment, reproductive health screenings, and guidance on various sexual health concerns. All of these services and a wealth of the information they can provide you with is online could be enough to address your concern. While it's not necessary to visit a clinic in your local area, if you need their help it's advisable to check in advance to ensure they can address your specific needs.

Young People's Services

Tailored support for adolescents and young adults for teenagers and young adults, seeking sexual health advice can be particularly important but also challenging. Young people's services specifically cater to the unique needs of this age group. These services provide confidential support, advice, and information on topics such as contraception, STIs, relationships, and consent. Additionally, they may offer specialised clinics and resources tailored to the needs and concerns of young individuals. These services are often accessible through schools, youth centres, or local online platforms, and can be a valuable resource for age-appropriate sexual health guidance. A good place to start would be to check your college or university or to search for your local area young people’s services that are available to you. Also, you can often talk to them online if you’re not 100% with going in person.

Dedicated Websites

Comprehensive online sexual health resources offer a wealth of sexual health information, advice, and resources. The NHS website provides links to local screening services, information on contraception, STIs, abortion services, and comprehensive sexual health guidance. Other platforms, such as Fumble, specifically cater to teenagers and young adults, answering common questions and providing educational content on sexual health. These websites often include articles, FAQs, interactive tools, and forums where individuals can find reliable information and support.

Workplace Resources

In some cases, individuals may have access to a doctor or healthcare services through their workplace. Many employers can provide occupational health services that can include access to medical professionals for consultations. This can be an advantageous option for obtaining relatively quick appointments and discussing sexual health concerns in a confidential setting. If you are unsure whether your workplace offers such services, it is recommended to inquire with your human resources department, as it could be easy way to get help with someone you trust.

When discussing sexual health concerns with a GP feels challenging or uncomfortable or isn’t physically possible, there are numerous alternative resources available to you. Sexual health clinics, pharmacies, young people's services, dedicated websites, and workplace resources offer confidential and convenient options for obtaining advice and support. By leveraging these platforms, you can access reliable information, find answers to your questions, and address your sexual health needs with confidence. Remember to evaluate each resource in advance to ensure it aligns with your specific requirements, as you deserve the best care for your personal well-being.


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