Best Products and Tips for managing Dry Skin.

Dealing with dry skin can be challenging, but with the right products and skincare tips, you can effectively and easily manage and improve its condition. Its characterised by tightness, roughness, flakiness, and redness which is due to abnormalities in lipid metabolism and impaired epidermal differentiation (we will get to what this actually means later). We'll explore the best products and share valuable tips to help you effectively manage dryness and achieve healthier and hydrated skin that is soft, smooth and ultimately glowing.

Understanding its Causes

Dry skin occurs when the skin's natural moisture barrier is compromised, leading to water loss and a dehydrated appearance. This can be induced by aggressive cleansers, irritating treatments and toners, or underlying factors affecting lipid and protein metabolism - the ways in which fatty acids are synthesised and dissolved - in your skin that help build the barrier itself. To manage dry skin, it's important to restore, nourish and protect the skin's barrier function to its proper level.

Hydration starts from Within

A key part of combating dry skin is making sure your daily natural intake of water is sufficient. It is generally recommended that two litres of water, limiting your caffeine and avoiding cigarette smoke will improve your overall skin’s moisture level. As well as this, if your dry skin involves symptoms such as keratosis pilaris (strawberry skin) then increasing your vitamin A intake with foods such as carrots can also help. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which support the alleviation of certain skin conditions such as strawberry skin. However, always consult a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes.

Gentle Cleansing >>>

Avoid washing your face with hot water, as it can further dry out your skin. Opt for gentle cleansers, that won't strip away natural oils. Therefore, choosing ones that are free from harsh sulphates and detergent-based cleansers that can strip the skin which then causes dryness and irritation is best. Look for ingredients like squalene, glycerin, apricot kernel oil, vitamin E (often labeled tocopherol), and avocado oil. Try to resist over-cleansing, as once a day, usually in the evening is sufficient.

Face Masks + Layering = Perfect, Clean Glow

Face masks focused on hydration can provide an intense boost of moisture to your skin. By regularly using masks such as these, you’re guaranteeing that your skin is staying well hydrated. Look for masks that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and nourishing oils discussed above. Also, consider using an overnight mask to reduce water evaporation and promote a stronger skin barrier. Products like the Laneige Water Sleeping Mask and hydrating masks from Eucerin can be beneficial. If masks are a bit too much for you, but you still want to achieve optimal hydration, layering your skincare products is the way to go. Start with a hydrating serum containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, followed by a rich moisturiser that contains nourishing elements such as shea butter, glycerine, and squalene (this technique is often referred to as slugging). This combination helps lock in moisture and keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day.

Sun creams for the Win

It’s a tried-and-true piece of knowledge but is always important to state: always wear sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection. It shields your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays and overall supports healthy skin on your face and neck. Exposure to the sun can exacerbate the dryness you’re experiencing and lead to premature ageing. It’s good to look for moisturisers with built-in SPF or use a dedicated facial sunscreen that suits you.

Learn What your Skin + Exfoliation = ?

If your skin tolerates it, incorporate a light exfoliation step to remove surface dead cells that can impair hydration and penetration of skincare products. Lactic acid, the gentlest AHA, is a definite go to for dry and sensitive skin. Look for brands that cater to sensitive skin and offer lactic acid-based exfoliators as these will decrease the chances of irritation.

Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise.

Choose a rich, non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) moisturiser that replenishes moisture and locks it in. Again, look for those ingredients such as urea, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and glycerin. Eucerin has a great range of products designed for this specific need, including Eucerin UreaRepair for dry, rough skin, Aquaphor for very dry or irritated skin, and AtoControl for atopic or itchy skin conditions.

Your Environment affects you too, esp. in Winter.

Using a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air, especially during dry seasons can take the edge off the winter’s harsh impact on your skin, but also in general everyday life. Also, sometimes considering common activities you do could alleviate what is harming your skin. When cleaning or doing household chores, wear gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals, or swap to non-chemical formulas. Opt for hypoallergenic detergents to make sure your clothes don’t add to any irritation. For itchy scalps, try leave-in products during the winter, and refrain from excessive lip licking, no matter how difficult. This can be supported by keeping soothing and hydrating skincare products (hand creams, lip balms etc.) on hand at all times to keep dryness and itchiness at bay. Ingredients like niacinamide and canola oil, which have been proven to reduce itching sensations. Applying these products whenever needed really can provide instant relief.

Managing dry skin requires a combination of effective products and smart skincare practices. By following these tips and incorporating hydrating and soothing skincare products, and adjusting your routines, you can successfully improve your skin's hydration and overall appearance, leaving you with happier skin. Embrace these recommendations and bid farewell to dry skin, welcoming a healthier, more nourished complexion.


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