Our Plant-Happy Skincare Musts

Environmental consciousness is more important than ever. Many of us are looking to align our skincare routines with our values. And, honestly, it’s actually quite easy to do. Below is all our favourite tips and tricks to make skincare easy, plant-happy and your skin absolutely glowing.

Sustainable Beauty 101

Sustainable beauty is about minimising the environmental impact of products through ethical sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution practices. It also involves considering the lifecycle of the product, from creation to disposal. Although this sounds like a lot to consider, chances are that if you interested in checking for a few key labels, cleaner ingredients, and whether or not the brands website is truly open and honest about their sustainability practices are. Our rule? always google a brand before you buy.

So, What do you Look for?

  • Eco-Friendly Packaging: Look for products with recyclable, biodegradable, or reusable packaging. Some brands offer refillable options to reduce waste.

  • Natural & Organic Ingredients: Products formulated with natural, organic ingredients are generally better for the environment as they avoid harmful chemicals.

  • Cruelty-Free and Vegan: Ethical beauty means no animal testing and opting for products that do not contain animal-derived ingredients.

  • Transparency and Certifications: Brands that are open about their sourcing and production and have certifications from recognised organisations (like Ecocert, B Corp, or Leaping Bunny) are more likely to be genuinely sustainable.

Sustainable Skincare Brands & Products

  1. Ren Clean Skincare: Back in 2018, Ren committed to becoming waste-free by 2021. Despite some natural set-backs (*coughs* 2020 we’re looking at you), they have made some really incredible strides. They offer a range of products with sustainable packaging and focus on clean ingredients. Their Vit C range is truly amazing, oh and they are always completely synthetic free.

  2. Herbivore Botanicals: Known for their transparency, all-natural ingredients, and effective products, Herbivore also emphasises recyclable and reusable packaging. The basics but that’s because they started it - they’re often given the label the ‘pioneers’ of clean plant-based skincare.

  3. Tata Harper: The queens of plant-based luxury skincare, Tata Haper are focusing on natural and organic ingredients, Tata Harper packages its products in glass and is transparent about its supply chain. Their products smell gorgeous, they take no shortcuts in producing the healthiest skincare products, and their resurfacing mask is to die for.

Tips for Eco-Friendly Skincare

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Cut down on waste by buying products with less packaging, reusing containers, and recycling when possible.

  • DIY Skincare: Consider making your own products from natural ingredients, reducing packaging and waste.

  • Support Local: Buying from local brands can reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping.

  • Use Multi-Purpose Products: Reducing the number of products you use minimises waste and can be more sustainable.

Making Conscious Choices

Transitioning to sustainable skincare isn't just about the products you buy; it's about becoming more mindful of your overall consumption patterns. It’s great to Ccnsider the following:

  • Educate Yourself: Stay informed about sustainable practices and the environmental impact of the skincare industry.

  • Demand Transparency: Support brands that are transparent about their sourcing, manufacturing, and business practices.

  • Influence Others: Share your knowledge and choices with friends and family to create a ripple effect.

Sustainable beauty is an evolving journey, both personal and as a collective society. By choosing eco-friendly, sustainable skincare brands and products, you're contributing to a healthier planet and a more ethical industry. Remember, every choice counts. Start small, do your research, and gradually shift your skincare routine to reflect your values. Together, we can make beauty a force for good.


Inside Out Beauty: Nutrition Edition.


The Busy Woman's Guide to Efficient Skincare.