No More Bad Hair Days.

Everyone faces a bad hair day now and then, whether it's due to oiliness, flatness, or frizz. It’s frustrating, but ultimately something thats pretty easy to manage. We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need ;). Here's how to tackle these common hair issues with effective solutions, ensuring you can quickly turn any bad hair day around.


Oiliness can leave your hair looking greasy and limp. It's often caused by overactive sebaceous glands or product buildup.


  1. Dry Shampoo: Apply dry shampoo to your roots to absorb excess oil. It's a quick fix that can also provide volume to your hair.

  2. Clarifying Shampoo: Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove buildup from products and sebum, but be careful not to overuse it as it can dry out your hair.

  3. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar: A diluted apple cider vinegar rinse can help balance the pH of your scalp and reduce oiliness.


Flat or limp hair lacks volume and can appear lifeless. It's often caused by product buildup or the natural weight of long hair.


  1. Volumising Products: Look for volumising sprays or mousses that can add lift at the roots. Apply these products to damp hair before styling.

  2. Change Your Part: Switching your part to the opposite side can provide an instant lift to your roots.

  3. Blow-Dry Upside Down: When blow-drying your hair, flip your head upside down to lift the roots away from your scalp and build volume.


Frizz is often a result of dry hair or humidity affecting the hair cuticle. It can make your hair look dry and unruly.


  1. Use a Smoothing Serum or Oil: Apply a lightweight serum or oil to the ends of your hair to tame frizz and flyaways.

  2. Ionic Hair Dryer or Diffuser: Using an ionic hair dryer or attaching a diffuser can reduce frizz by distributing heat evenly and helping the hair to retain moisture.

  3. Moisture-rich Conditioner: Make sure you're using a hydrating conditioner to keep your hair moisturized and less prone to frizzing.

Additional Quick Fixes

  • Braids or Updos: On days when your hair refuses to cooperate, try pulling it back into a sleek bun or a braid. These styles can conceal a multitude of hair issues and still look chic.

  • Use Accessories: Headbands, clips, and hats can be stylish solutions to hide oiliness or unruly hair.

  • Cold Water Rinse: Finish your shower with a cold water rinse to close the hair cuticles, which can reduce frizz and add shine.

By understanding the root causes of all your daily hair struggles, you can better address them with targeted solutions. Whether it's switching up your products, changing your styling technique, or trying a quick fix like a new hairstyle or accessory, there are many ways to turn a bad hair day around. The key to managing any hair problem is knowing your hair type and what works best for it, so don't be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.


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